Saturday, January 31

Shopping for tasks

One peculiar aspect of TT is that you can see some of the tasks that other toons are working on. Heck you can ask and they can tell you - mostly useful for cooperating and collaborating efforts. But at the end of a battle, the results shown during the dance reveal the tasks of each toon. Sometimes you see some extremely onerous tasks - such as "defeat 1,000 cogs" or "200 5+ story buildings" - tasks that I know will take in inordinate amount of time to complete, with no different a reward than other tasks offered by shopkeepers or even other Toon HQ staff.

I've read about the advice of shopping around for tasks - but I wanted to find out just how varied they were for the same reward. So here is a sample of tasks offered in Donald's Dreamland by various shopkeepers. You can see that for a given reward - 1 Laff boost, for example - there are tasks ranging from 100 to 140 Lawbots to 20 Big Cheeses or Robber Barons, to 10 5+ story buildings, and so on. Some will require you defeat them in Dreamland, others can be anywhere.

Like a good shopper, one needs to evaluate the various "features" and decide what is the best choice amongst many. There is no right answer per se - as the "cost" or difficulty of any given task is subject to individual preferences and perceptions, as well as circumstance. For example, you might be on Nutty River or another district that happens to have a lot of invasions of a particular cog type - Bossbots, for example. Otherwise, in general, having to defeat any kind of Cashbot is easier than having to defeat only Number Crunchers - even if you need to defeat more of them. I once had chosen to defeat 180 Bean Counters -and it took me two weeks of diligent hunting to find and defeat enough of them - usually on streets heavy with cashbots - like Seaweed Street in Donald's Dock. Another consideration is the type of cog - whether its found only in cog buildings or cog HQs, or is typically found on streets.

Another approach to select tasks that have a lot of overlap - allowing you to fulfill the requirements of more than one task with each battle. You can look up many of the tasks at for each playground and see what the requirements are. For example, it would be great if you took a task to defeat 40 lawbots at the same time as defeating five 4+ story lawbot buildings. Some tasks are "Just for Fun" - and you can accept several of the same exact ones and fulfill all of them for the price of one. The most profitable ones to do this with are the tasks for helping a new toon for a reward of 200+ jellybeans. I once had 4 of these at the same time and was able to earn 800+ jellybeans for helping a new toon defeat just one building.


House of Hibernation, Lullaby Lane

80 Level 8+ Cogs = Medium Backpack (70)
140 Lawbots anywhere = 1 Laff boost

Nightstand Furniture Company, Lullaby Lane
Five 5+ Story Bossbot Bldgs Anywhere = 2 Laff boost
100 Lawbots Anywhere = 1 Laff boost

Shut-Eye Optometry
20 The Big Cheeses = 1 Laff boost
40 Level 10+ Cogs Anywhere = Medium Backpack (70)

Pillow Fights Nightly
10 Level 12+ Skelecogs, Cashbot HQ = Medium Backpack (70)
130 Cogs Anywhere = 1 Laff boost

Make Your Bed Hardware Store
20 Robber Barons Anywhere = 1 Laff boost
10 Mint Supervisors, Cashbot Coin Mint = 2 Laff boost

The All Tucked Inn
70 Level 9+ Cogs Anywhere = 2 Laff boost
180 Cogs Anywhere = 1 Laff boost

Snore or Less
100 Cashbots Anywhere = 1 Laff boost
Help a new Toon defeat 35 Cogs, TT Central = 250 Jellybeans
Help a new Toon defeat a 2+ Story Bldg = 300 Jellybeans

Crack of Dawn Repairs
70 Name Droppers Anywhere = 2 Laff boost
140 Sellbots Anywhere = 1 Laff boost

For Richer or Snorer
10 Five+ Story Cog Buildings Anywhere = 1 Laff boost

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